WARNING: A lot of people consider this to be ‘cheating’. It represents hard use of AI for writing your stories for you at a level beyond using the Blueprint model simply for analysis and deconstruction.
Blueprints System & AI
Oration & Literature
Voice & AI
How to Mimic Voice in AI
Blueprint System and AI
The blueprint system is intended for generating focused story prompts. It is imperative writers use their own voice, their own narrative ability, their own writing skills.
An alternative would be to minimise the humans creative input, replacing the role of writer with the role of machine operator.
Both the writer and the machine operator, while using ChatGPT, both are machine operators. They are performing the same mindless activities.
The writer however has an additional skill set. We describe this skill set as being a writer. A writer is a storyteller. Not a story word for word Regurgitator Copying information from a calculator. The name for that is a mathematician. A machine operator who uses linguistics instead of numbers is an alphabet-mathematician. They are not a writer. A writer uses peculiar particular faculties of the mind which a machine operator does not and which is different to those used by a mathematician. This is what makes a writer a unique entity which cannot be replaced by a machine, only mimicked.
Oration & Literature
The writer as a storyteller makes real time decisions how best to relay the story. This is a multifaceted skill set because it is a multifaceted requirement. What is involved in telling a story in real time? Whether the storyteller speaks it out loud or writes it down on paper.
Certainly, a storyteller in the oratory tradition is using a variant skill set different somewhat than a storyteller who is actively putting words onto paper. There is a vast overlap between these two and yet each sub-group is a distinct entity in its own right.
A talented storyteller will possess both skill sets. Neither of these are possessed by technology. Because human emotion, and human assessment, of the audience, of the correct structure of words, of the correct emphasis and inflection, of the timing required for the audience to appreciate the unfolding story as intended, to spellbind them. For the audience to suspend their disbelief, to become entirely consumed by living within the experience of the story. It is multisensory.
While a writer who puts words on paper is required to study correct grammar, an oratory storyteller is required to study observing the observer.
Voice and AI
An alphabet-mathematician is a machine operator using AI to create stories. This bypasses the skill set of a writer who is necessarily required to use a writers voice.
What is meant by voice in this context is not how it is defined within oratory storytelling. A speaker when referring to voice is talking about how the words are spoken. It is a voice actor skill, one skill of the oratory storyteller.
What is meant by voice within literature which is the written word, is the style by which the story is told. Choice of words, grammar, must be expressed without verbal inflection. Adjectives and adverbs can be used. Prose and form is studied and developed intellectually in a calculated way over time required to study it, which the real-time orator does not have such a specific focus on.
Voice in AI can be simulated in the style of your favourite author. This use of AI is similar to the blueprint system. It is compatible with the blueprint system.
It is not only lazy for a machine operator posing as a writer when in fact they are a mathematician, to work in this way. It is also potentially amoral and illegal.
At best it is a learning tool for somebody intending to mimic another writers style, to speak with their voice. There is nothing wrong with learning, from masters who we respect and in whose tradition we are following. That is a beautiful thing. That is also how we level up our own personal skills.
There is however very much wrong with claiming to be something you are not by presenting somebody else’s as your own. The foundation of international copyright law exists to highlight and underline this awareness.
The blueprint system is useful for structure and theme. The voice system is useful for style and tone.
How to Mimic Voice in AI
In the same message entry as you instruct ChatGPT which Blueprints to use,
Instruct ChatGPT to;
“Write in the voice of (name of your favourite style author/s).
Use characterisation as if by (name your favourite character author).”
Quite often when you have experimented and established a good set of this instruction, you can save that as a Voice blueprint.
See Also: Blueprints
See Also: my Blueprints Index
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