Friday, 4 October 2024

The Key Thief

While dating Lamia, James noticed that items were frequently going missing from his home. Initially, he found it perplexing. Due to his autism, he was meticulous about the placement of his belongings. He was usually aware of where everything was, which made it particularly confusing when he discovered things were not in their expected locations. To unravel the mystery, he employed a process of elimination, considering the possibility that someone else had moved his items. In such cases, it became necessary to ascertain when they had disappeared and who had access to them at that time. 

Alternatively, he had to consider the possibility of his own absentmindedness, questioning whether he had simply left something in an unusual spot. Many of these items held significant sentimental value; they were collectibles that he cherished and meticulously cared for. For instance, he had several miniature figures that were not only meaningful but also valuable.

Lamia began to express concerns that James’s son, Karl, was taking items from her house. She specifically named several bulky and heavy objects. Upon reflection, James realized that the only time Karl could have taken them was during an occasion when he had carried Karls bag from Lamia’s house to the car, as Karl had claimed to be too lazy to do it himself. James was confident that the bag had not been heavy or bulky when he carried it into the house. When he questioned Lamia’s accusations, he found it difficult to understand how Karl could have taken those items or what he would have done with them.

Moreover, Lamia insisted that the items had been delivered by post that morning, claiming to have found them in her hallway before they went missing. She suggested that Karl must have woken up, answered the door, and received the delivery, as the items were too large to fit through the letterbox. However, Karl denied that any such event had occurred, and James, having been nearby, had not heard the postman knock. Their dog, resting ten feet away from the door, had not barked, further casting doubt on Lamia’s account. The entire incident, from James’s perspective, seemed fabricated, suggesting that Lamia was attempting to convince him that Karl had stolen something from her—a claim he found implausible.

As time passed, more of James’s belongings went missing from his home, and Lamia continued to accuse Karl of being a notorious thief who had stolen from her. Unbeknownst to her, some of the items that had gone missing were actually Karls possessions, as James had bought him collectible miniatures that were also valuable. The notion that Karl would steal from himself seemed absurd. Although James considered the possibility that Karl was being bullied at school, the lad firmly denied any such pressure.

Despite their attempts to address the issue, Lamia‘s hostility toward Karl only intensified, culminating in an increased frequency of her accusations. It was not until James discovered some of his missing items hidden in Lamia’s home that the truth began to unfold. In that moment, he realized that Lamia had taken his belongings and hidden them in her house, attempting to deflect blame onto Karl. This revelation demonstrated her contempt for both Charles and James, revealing her as a psychological manipulator and gaslighter.

James was reminded of the first time he visited Lamia‘s house when he inquired about the large bronze keys that adorned her wall—keys that had been crafted over a century ago. She had responded with enthusiasm, immediately mentioning “The castle!” Then mentioning with excitement a castle where she had once worked. Yet, as she spoke, her demeanor changed, and she hesitated, stating, “I want to tell you about that, but I don’t want to share it right now.” James found this behavior peculiar, perhaps attributed to her own neurodiversity. Attempting to create some space, she said she would make tea and promised to share more about the castle afterward. However, rather than preparing the tea, she diverted the conversation to her experiences at the castle and how they had fueled her passion for collecting ancient keys.

In that moment, a realization struck James: his girlfriend, whom he had only been with for a short time, had likely stolen those keys from the castle. When he pressed her again about their origin, she responded evasively, repeating her intention to make tea and leaving the room without answering his question.

Over the course of his relationship with Lamia, James gradually recognized her kleptomania. At one point, she had even stolen a key to his house during a period of insecurity when she feared he no longer wanted to date her. When James confided in a mutual friend, Tiberius, he learned that Lamia had visited Tiberius’ house the previous weekend, and a key had also gone missing during her stay. After making this connection, James understood that Lamia‘s pattern of stealing was more extensive than he had initially realized.

Despite Tiberius attempts to reassure him, suggesting that perhaps Lamia hadn’t stolen the key and that it could be anywhere, James found it difficult to accept that explanation. He pressed Tiberius for clarification, asking why he had changed his story from the previous week, when they had discussed Lamia’s behavior. Tiberius struggled to provide a satisfactory answer, and James was left grappling with the betrayal he had experienced, the loss of trust in both Lamia and their shared friendships.