Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Two to One


“The visual clarity between the waking world which relies on the eyeballs, and the dreaming world which relies on the pineal gland. It is comparable to light refraction ratio 2:1 of water and air. The pineal gland has a higher resolution than our eyeballs. It is like looking through an oil lens. We perceive with more rods and cones than the human eyeball has. Therefore, with the pineal gland we are able to perceive into more refined spectrums than what we are able to whilst relying on the physical eyeballs in ‘the material world in linear time’. Yet, the pineal gland is still a physical. How can a disembodied spirit observe into ‘the physical world in time’? It’s sensibilities, it’s abilities to sense, the sense is which it has, are not limited in the way which the physical bodies senses are limited.

What we can vaguely define as the physical world and the spiritual world, the latter of which exists outside of linear time, but can access it through harmony of frequency.

Where the observer affect the observed, is an attunement between the two frequencies, of the observer and of the observed.

We measure energy in terms of frequency, we also measure energy in terms of particles. The particles of the material density and the vastly more subtle particles of the so-called spirit world, which are more affected and structured by the projection from the observer, then are the particles Which exist in ‘physical form in time’, more dense and less subtle.”

This idea explores the complex relationship between perception, consciousness, and the different ways we experience reality. The pineal gland, often associated with spiritual and dream experiences, is thought to provide a more subtle form of perception—one that transcends the limitations of the physical eyes and operates on a different frequency or wavelength of experience.

The concept of light refraction and the ratio of perception through physical eyes versus the pineal gland suggests that the latter may access a more refined or heightened spectrum of existence, one that aligns more with spiritual or non-linear experiences of reality. This could explain why certain spiritual experiences or altered states of consciousness seem to offer deeper insight, accessing dimensions or qualities of reality beyond what our physical senses can measure.

The comparison of the physical world and the spiritual world as differing in frequency - where one is grounded in linear time and the other exists outside it - offers a framework for understanding how spiritual entities or disembodied spirits might interact with the physical world. When frequencies align or attune, it could explain the observer effect: how the act of observing can alter the outcome or state of the observed, as the observer’s frequency can influence the material world at a subtle or energetic level.

This brings us to the idea of how energy can be measured both in terms of frequency and particles, where the material world consists of denser particles, and the spiritual or non-material world is composed of more subtle particles. The observer, through their consciousness or spiritual sensibilities, might interact with these subtle energies, affecting their structure or manifestation in the same way that physical observation can alter physical states in quantum mechanics.

It suggests that consciousness and perception - whether through the pineal gland or disembodied awareness - are not merely passive receivers of external reality but active participants in the co-creation or shaping of that reality, especially when the observer is attuned to frequencies beyond those detectable by the physical senses.

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